Esco Aster provides contract research and early development services, equipped with a full suite of in vitro
and analytical tools. Our offerings include testing reagents, enzymes, media supplements, growth factors,
resin testing and complete cell culture media. We conduct testing
starting from small-scale 2D cultures and
extending to larger formats such as shake flasks, adherent bioreactors, and suspension bioreactors.
Esco Aster’s contract testing services are built upon well-established
protocols for culturing various adherent cells, encompassing
mesenchymal stromal cells, pluripotent stem cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and their
derivatives like extracellular particles and exosomes. We are adept at
handling genetically modified cell therapies
Morever, we have demonstrated our expertise in large-scale production techniques with our ability to
culture pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in aggregates using a 500-liter single-use bioreactor for
cultivated meat applications. Our capability with collaborators in creating CHO/HEK293 Cell Research Banks further bolsters the production of biopharmaceuticals (e.g. erythropoietin, checkpoint inhibitors, bispecific antibodies) and can be used for contract services.
Esco Aster stands as the world’s first licensed Cultivated Meat facility accredited by the Singapore Food Regulatory Body and FSSC 22000. Our expertise lies in the development and testing of tailored solutions such as cell culture media, bioreactors, and bioedible scaffolds for cultivated meat applications.
Making significant strides in the food technology industry, Esco Aster can also produce small batches of cultivated meat using research-grade cells that are not for consumption. These are intended for the following:
1. Biomass for Cell-Based Meat Food Formulation
• Raw Ingredient: Biomass as a foundational ingredient for cell-based meat food formulation.
• Sensory Food Evaluation: Utilizing sensomics as biomimetic of six (6) taste profiles, correlating to human taste, as a substitute for actual consumption. This enables machine learning-based food formulation.
2. Advanced Analytical Techniques
• High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) : For identifying and quantifying various components in food products.
• Gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and electronic noses (e-noses) : To replicate the human olfactory system in assessing food quality by detecting, measuring volatile compounds, and providing a detailed analysis of food aroma.
• Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and biopolymer-based sensors (e-tongues) : Leveraging cutting-edge technology for detection and analysis of the chemical composition of food by providing a comprehensive taste profile
3. Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting
• Bioinks Cell Mass: Providing inputs for testing 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering of cultivated meat.
In the field of regenerative medicine, we also provide independent testing services for bioprocess and cell therapy cultureware, culture bags, and innovative tools like biomedical scaffolds, covering services for cell adhesion and proliferation, seeding density optimization, harvesting techniques, and scaffold dimensions.
Analytical tools play a pivotal role in CRDMO laboratories by ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of products. These tools encompass a wide range of instrumentation and techniques that are essential for various stages of product development and manufacturing.
Some of our analytical tools include:
Our team possesses extensive experience and knowledge in the field, with a strong emphasis on GMP compliance.
We provide tailored research services to meet your specific requirements.
We utilize advanced technology, the latest equipment and analytical tools.
Our well-established protocols ensure reliable and consistent test results.
We offer a wide range of services to support your research needs.
Our networks allow us to be a channel partner for our collaborators for future commercial sales, projects, and needs.